Here’s your Cassie Portrait with Tools for Procreate!

Tools for Procreate
2 min readJan 27, 2023


Drawing Cassie from the hit HBO series Euphoria is a great way to pay homage to the show and practice your drawing skills. To get started, you’ll need to find a good reference photo of Cassie to work from. Once you have your reference photo, open Procreate and create a new canvas.

The first step in drawing Cassie is to sketch out the basic shape of her face and body. You can use the standard pencil brush that comes with Procreate, or try out the Sketching brush from the Psychedelic Brush set. This brush is great for rough sketching and capturing the basic shape of Cassie’s face and body.

Once you have the basic sketch in place, it’s time to start filling in the details. The Lexi’s Cheeks brush from the Euphoria Brush set is perfect for filling in the skin and hair. This brush is great for creating a smooth and detailed look on Cassie’s face and body.

Next, use the Find Cassie brush from the Euphoria Brush set to blend the shadows on the face. This brush is great for creating a natural and realistic look on Cassie’s face and body. The Queen Kat’s Marker is another great brush to draw details and make some shadows.

Finally, use the Rue’s Tears brush from the Euphoria Brush set to create glares on Cassie’s face and body. This brush is perfect for creating a glossy and realistic look on Cassie’s face and body.

In conclusion, drawing Cassie from Euphoria is a fun and rewarding experience. By using the brushes and tools from the Psychedelic, Euphoria Brush sets, you can create a detailed and realistic drawing of Cassie that pays homage to the show and your drawing skills.

Here’s how you can do this!



Tools for Procreate

Brushes, 3D Models, Stickers, Color Palettes, Fonts for Procreate with One-Tap Install. Enjoy Soundscapes, Masterclasses, Academy and more!